Thursday, April 10, 2008

Rice, Republicans and Race in this Race

Without a doubt this has proven an historic election cycle. Barack Obama added to the already heightened excitement brought on by the long anticipated run of the first viable female candidate. Already the Democratic primaries has witnessed record turn outs and regardless of the winner it is expected that interest will remain strong. Many believe the democrats have an aesthetic advantage this election cycle because of the diversity of their candidates. In fact, the notion of a so-called dream ticket that would include both Clinton and Obama (usually mentioned with Clinton at the top) is spoken of with positive regard. However, an interesting prospective recently presented itself seriously for the first time: the possibility of a Condoleezza Rice Vice Presidency. To date this is purely conjecture, however, the story is significant because it represents a shift from serious consideration of Condoleezza Rice for the Executive to a serious consideration by Condoleezza Rice for the Executive. Continue reading HERE.